Download our FREE smartphone app today!
How to use our School App
Our App is designed to help you access important school information more quickly and easily from your mobile device. From urgent announcements and letters home, to events and galleries, it's a convenient way to keep up to date with school life on the go.
How to download the App
Simply visit the iTunes App Store or Google Play from your mobile phone and search for ‘VIAT’, which can then be downloaded for free.

How to use the App
The App is easy and intuitive to use. Here’s what you need to know...
Launching the App for the first time
When you first launch the App, please search for 'Holborough Lakes', then click Add to My Schools.
Once you enter into the App, please tap the Set up your school notifications button, then simply choose any categories you would like to receive notifications for. This will enable the school to push urgent announcements, news and letters home directly to your device.
You can adjust your notifications at any time by visiting the Settings menu in the top right corner of the screen.
This section contains a record of unread notifications sent from the school. Once these notifications have been read on your device they will automatically be deleted from this area.
Please Note: Leave your school notifications turned on if you wish to receive these instant alerts.
News and Galleries
Swipe the screen or use the tabs to view categories within these areas.
Swipe the screen or use the tabs to see events by category. You can select an event and click ‘Add event to calendar’ to save it to your personal calendar on your device
Please ensure you close the App when you are finished using it as this allows the content to refresh the next time you open it. Instant alerts will pop up on your device even when the App is offline.
We hope you enjoy using the App.